
All Mizoram Farmers Union (AMFU) was established in the year 1994 by a group of farmers to take initiative for the improvement farmers welfare.


The Organization aims to achieve economics stability of the grassroots farmers, at present the organization represents over 70% of the State Population.


The Organization is putting an effort to bring Economic self sufficiency to each house hold in the state, and to introduce sustainable farming system in Mizoram.

All Mizoram Farmers Union

AMFU is promoting rural technology and taking steps for empowerment of the grassroots people and give training and awareness to village farmers. AMFU will take up the following activities to supplement and support introduction of right plants to the right place.

1) Development of certified planting material
2) Selection of trade for the farmers with availability of planting material and potential area ofr such -  Plants identified.
3) Various training will be given.
